Return of the Holes
Moderator: Herby Dice
Hey, Longshanks, you're an anachronism and a bit of a joke:
1) Lighten up - you protest the Anglo-Saxon cause endlessly, very boringly and far too much
2) Get up to date! In recent times, the chips are on the big neighbour's shoulders. Hence the mass emigration from the south to God's country!! All welcome if you/they dump the superior colonial attitude and just admit it's better here socially, environmentally, politically, all ways.
1) Lighten up - you protest the Anglo-Saxon cause endlessly, very boringly and far too much
2) Get up to date! In recent times, the chips are on the big neighbour's shoulders. Hence the mass emigration from the south to God's country!! All welcome if you/they dump the superior colonial attitude and just admit it's better here socially, environmentally, politically, all ways.
- Seil Blubber
- Posts: 135
- Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:44 pm
- Location: Seil Sound
Visitors visit, immigrants come to live.That's the same thing: English visitors and immigrants
We have come to expect a higher standard of pedantry from you Pentland - pull your socks up, there's a good chap.
Seil Blubber
It's not a fixation..................just a taunt!
( please note this is not today's word)
I don't think I've ever said I am English.
Besides, how is your gaelic?
( please note this is not today's word)
I don't think I've ever said I am English.
Besides, how is your gaelic?
It's only a form of ethnic cleansing with the English being displaced out to the borders. What would Scotland be without the English? Answers in Gaelic only please.Hence the mass emigration from the south to God's country!! All welcome if you/they dump the superior colonial attitude and just admit it's better here socially, environmentally, politically, all ways.
Pehtland famhair, thami a' creidsinn gu bheil Ailig Salmond agus a phàrtaidh ag iarraidh rudan a dhèanamh. Thami a' creidsinn gu bheil an riaghaltas ùr aige ag iarraidh diofar a dhèanamh. Tha mi fhìn is gu leòr eile ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig a' gabhail uallach mu dheidhinn rudan eile.
Tha luchd-iomart na Gàidhlig a' gabhail uallach gu bheil fada cus aig Linda Fabiani, ministear na Gàidhlig, ri dhèanamh. Tha i a' gabhail gnothaich ri ealdhain is an Roinn-Eòrpa am measg rudan eile. Tha luchd-iomart na cànan air a bhi a' nochdadh draghan ma dheidhinn
cho duilich is a tha e coinneamhan fhaighinn le ministearan.
Agus tha cumhachd na Seirbheis Chatharra mar droch sgàile os cionn a h-uile càil. Cuimhnich gur iad na h-aon daoine a tha ag obair dha Riaghaltas na h-Alba agus a rinn iomart an aghaidh Bile dhan Ghàidhlig agus a dheasaich a' chiad dhreach de Bhile na Gàidhlig nach b' fhiach càil idir. Bidh cuimhne againn air mar a chaidh "inbhe thèarainte" atharrachadh bho a bhi a' ciallachadh rud dha eòlaichean cànan gu nì nach robh a' ciallachadh càil.
Co-dhiù, Pehtland famhair, tha Ailig Salmond a'cleachdadh briathran ciallach. Tha e airson rudan a dhèanamh an àite a bhi a' dèanamh lethsgeulan son gun a bhi a' dèanamh càil. Agus dh' òrdaich e suaicheantas dà-chànanach gu bhi a' cur fàilte air luchd-siubhail a thig gu puirt-adhair na h-Alba.
Tha luchd-iomart na Gàidhlig a' gabhail uallach gu bheil fada cus aig Linda Fabiani, ministear na Gàidhlig, ri dhèanamh. Tha i a' gabhail gnothaich ri ealdhain is an Roinn-Eòrpa am measg rudan eile. Tha luchd-iomart na cànan air a bhi a' nochdadh draghan ma dheidhinn
cho duilich is a tha e coinneamhan fhaighinn le ministearan.
Agus tha cumhachd na Seirbheis Chatharra mar droch sgàile os cionn a h-uile càil. Cuimhnich gur iad na h-aon daoine a tha ag obair dha Riaghaltas na h-Alba agus a rinn iomart an aghaidh Bile dhan Ghàidhlig agus a dheasaich a' chiad dhreach de Bhile na Gàidhlig nach b' fhiach càil idir. Bidh cuimhne againn air mar a chaidh "inbhe thèarainte" atharrachadh bho a bhi a' ciallachadh rud dha eòlaichean cànan gu nì nach robh a' ciallachadh càil.
Co-dhiù, Pehtland famhair, tha Ailig Salmond a'cleachdadh briathran ciallach. Tha e airson rudan a dhèanamh an àite a bhi a' dèanamh lethsgeulan son gun a bhi a' dèanamh càil. Agus dh' òrdaich e suaicheantas dà-chànanach gu bhi a' cur fàilte air luchd-siubhail a thig gu puirt-adhair na h-Alba.
Spiderman ; impressive plagiarism! ................. but how come you only cut and pasted from the eighth paragraph of the article in Scotland on Sunday? ... Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:25 am Post subject:
Pehtland famhair, thami a' creidsinn gu bheil Ailig Salmond agus a phàrtaidh ag iarraidh rudan a dhèanamh. Thami a' creidsinn gu bheil an riaghaltas ùr aige ag iarraidh diofar a dhèanamh. Tha mi fhìn is gu leòr eile ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig a' gabhail uallach mu dheidhinn rudan eile.
Tha luchd-iomart na Gàidhlig a' gabhail uallach gu bheil fada cus aig Linda Fabiani, ministear na Gàidhlig, ri dhèanamh. Tha i a' gabhail gnothaich ri ealdhain is an Roinn-Eòrpa am measg rudan eile. Tha luchd-iomart na cànan air a bhi a' nochdadh draghan ma dheidhinn
cho duilich is a tha e coinneamhan fhaighinn le ministearan.
Agus tha cumhachd na Seirbheis Chatharra mar droch sgàile os cionn a h-uile càil. Cuimhnich gur iad na h-aon daoine a tha ag obair dha Riaghaltas na h-Alba agus a rinn iomart an aghaidh Bile dhan Ghàidhlig agus a dheasaich a' chiad dhreach de Bhile na Gàidhlig nach b' fhiach càil idir. Bidh cuimhne againn air mar a chaidh "inbhe thèarainte" atharrachadh bho a bhi a' ciallachadh rud dha eòlaichean cànan gu nì nach robh a' ciallachadh càil.
Co-dhiù, Pehtland famhair, tha Ailig Salmond a'cleachdadh briathran ciallach. Tha e airson rudan a dhèanamh an àite a bhi a' dèanamh lethsgeulan son gun a bhi a' dèanamh càil. Agus dh' òrdaich e suaicheantas dà-chànanach gu bhi a' cur fàilte air luchd-siubhail a thig gu puirt-adhair na h-Alba.
Oh dear Pikeyman.
The chips on your shoulders must weigh too heavily for you to make any sense these days......your blatant plagiarism recently betrays a total lack of gaelic, is an insult to us genuine gaelic speakers, and, more seriously, shows a sad wannabe attitude towards nationality. You compound your chipshop attitude by an amazing accusation against me:
"you protest the Anglo-Saxon cause endlessly".
I challenge you to quote one example.
Presumably the accusation was prompted by my last post on this topic; one which praised the Welsh and a Hanoverian roadbuilder. Where's the anglo-saxon cause there?
Get a grip.
The chips on your shoulders must weigh too heavily for you to make any sense these days......your blatant plagiarism recently betrays a total lack of gaelic, is an insult to us genuine gaelic speakers, and, more seriously, shows a sad wannabe attitude towards nationality. You compound your chipshop attitude by an amazing accusation against me:
"you protest the Anglo-Saxon cause endlessly".
I challenge you to quote one example.
Presumably the accusation was prompted by my last post on this topic; one which praised the Welsh and a Hanoverian roadbuilder. Where's the anglo-saxon cause there?
Get a grip.
Longshanks, humour was clearly in short supply when you were spawned but the Good Lord must've filled the void with bucketfuls of pomposity. Lighten up for Pete's sake!! Not that your judgement is much good anyway, seeing that (a) you deny climate change, (b) think that Scotland should aspire to the dizzy heights of Welshness and (c) generally show all the lack of empathy one would expect of someone calling himself Longshanks!
Pentland - General Wade (god bless him) was Irish was he? Never knew that; yet another good thing to come out of the sceptic isle then.
Nick B - which one are you doing; blackberry to hand?
Spiderchip - not taking me up on my challenge then. Looks like we can add falsitudes to plagiarism to your list of sins in that case.
Just a wee response to your latest list of accusations:
"Not that your judgement is much good anyway, seeing that (a) you deny climate change, (b) think that Scotland should aspire to the dizzy heights of Welshness and (c) generally show all the lack of empathy one would expect of someone calling himself Longshanks"
a) I don't deny climate change just rail against the treehuggers who claim that our (ever) changing climate is caused by man and thus persuade gullible governments to waste billions on windfarms and cause the poor to starve by pushing biofuels. Our climate changes through natural mechanisms.
b) Why shouldn't we aspire to be as good as the Welsh at sport and attitude?
c) I have considerable empathy with Longshanks who was directly descended from the Norman royal line which, in turn, comes down from the Danish royal line......two thirds of our highland clans claim the same lineal legitimacy. Long did not have an ounce of Anglo Saxom blood in his veins.
Have a nice day y'all
Nick B - which one are you doing; blackberry to hand?
Spiderchip - not taking me up on my challenge then. Looks like we can add falsitudes to plagiarism to your list of sins in that case.
Just a wee response to your latest list of accusations:
"Not that your judgement is much good anyway, seeing that (a) you deny climate change, (b) think that Scotland should aspire to the dizzy heights of Welshness and (c) generally show all the lack of empathy one would expect of someone calling himself Longshanks"
a) I don't deny climate change just rail against the treehuggers who claim that our (ever) changing climate is caused by man and thus persuade gullible governments to waste billions on windfarms and cause the poor to starve by pushing biofuels. Our climate changes through natural mechanisms.
b) Why shouldn't we aspire to be as good as the Welsh at sport and attitude?
c) I have considerable empathy with Longshanks who was directly descended from the Norman royal line which, in turn, comes down from the Danish royal line......two thirds of our highland clans claim the same lineal legitimacy. Long did not have an ounce of Anglo Saxom blood in his veins.
Have a nice day y'all
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