The largest party does NOT automatically form the government

Beyond the 2014 referendum

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The largest party does NOT automatically form the government

Post by NickB »

. . . as explained by Stuart Campbell from Wings Over Scotland on BBC Scotland's 'Call Kaye' this morning. The BBC is allowing Labour (Jim Murphy, Kezia Dugdale etc) to repeatedly spout this unchallenged lie on air.

(Those of you with memories long enough to remember the 2010 election will recall that Gordon Brown spent some considerable time closeted with the LibDems in an attempt to thrash out an agreement which would have resulted in a Lab/LibDem coalition - possibly with SNP support - even though the Tories were the lasrgest party by a considerable margin.)

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Re: The largest party does NOT automatically form the govern

Post by jimcee »

Nick B, Keep em coming - hopefully you will get some converts.
However, during your combing of the airwaves and cyberspace, spare a thought for the Home page.
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Gavin Rae
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Re: The largest party does NOT automatically form the govern

Post by Gavin Rae »

Hey Jim Bill Nick !

What has happened .............,... !!!

No posts since Tuesday - that's at least 72 hrs and counting - too much eclipse watching or what ?

“Now that it’s 100% certain that there won’t be a Labour and SNP coalition there’s only one way to beat the Tories. A vote for anyone other than Scottish Labour risks the Tories being the biggest party and David Cameron returning to Downing Street by accident. - The Scotsman

Well ??? :stir

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Re: The largest party does NOT automatically form the govern

Post by NickB »

Gavin Rae wrote:“Now that it’s 100% certain that there won’t be a Labour and SNP coalition there’s only one way to beat the Tories. A vote for anyone other than Scottish Labour risks the Tories being the biggest party and David Cameron returning to Downing Street by accident. - The Scotsman

Well ??? :stir

Well Gavin,

Firstly, there was never going to be a formal coalition between Labour and the SNP - something the SNP have always made plain.

Secondly, the biggest party do not automatically form the government - something I thought the excerpt from 'Call Kaye' posted above made quite clear.

Polling suggests not much difference in the number of seats for Con and Lab, so Labour do not need to be the biggest party to form a government. All they need to be able to do is win a vote of confidence - which they will easily do with the support of the SNP, who would then continue to support a minority Labour government on a confidence and supply basis in return for some changes in currently stated Labour policy.

It is vaguely conceivable that the Labour party would rather let us have another five years of Tory rule than attempt to form a minority government, but frankly I find that a very unlikely scenario.
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Re: The largest party does NOT automatically form the govern

Post by jimcee »

Gav NB
All this political posturing about deals/collaboration/alliances/coalition keeps yourselves and the pundits happy (and in a job).
The main purpose appears to be to concentrate the minds of those who are not committed to any particular party, and to convince them that they should vote tactically for the lesser of two (or more) evils as seen by their particular stance.
Speaking personally, I will be glad when it is all over and we can get back to normality and criticise whoever happens to have inherited the reins.
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Gavin Rae
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Re: The largest party does NOT automatically form the govern

Post by Gavin Rae »


You surprise me by what you have said in your last post - I assume you are just revisiting your thoughts from many months ago ?

It goes without saying that there will be a significant amount of discussion by all the parties about tactical voting other than the SNP - indeed I enjoyed reading an article by Malcolm Bruce the outgoing MP for the Gordon constituency with regard to voting strategies

Isn't it ironical that the former first minister and SNP leader has become so vocal over the past few days - I would be surprised if Nicola S didn't start to get really p155 ed off with all his posturing quite soon

Who is actually leading the SNP these days ? Or Is 'Oor Nicola' just sitting on the bucket ?

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