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theft isnt funny

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:57 pm
by khartoumteddy
What have the banks lost,dont be funny
Millions and millions of our money: :(

The Government replaced it,aint that funny
Again what with,our money: :shock:

They borrowed from the IMF its true;
But they did it ---in the name of me and you: :D :D

Repaying that loan now thats funny
What will they use ,of course,our money: :?

So they now will raise our tax
All of this my dear as a matter of fact :x :x

Our money,our money,our moneys gone:
Whats not left ,will repay our money son: :sigh

So those who oversee our money
Have huge expenses aint that funny :?:

They did this by stealing,aint that crummy
Sorry :!: claiming expenses :!: all our money. :mrgreen:

They wont pay it all back isnt this rummy :?:
But theyll make it back up with the last of our money: :idea: :idea:

Our money,our money,our moneys gone
But were to Blame yes Every-one.

TEDDY :smashPC

Re: theft isnt funny

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:12 pm
by shygirl78
I hear what you're saying Teddy, damn over taxation by the fat cats makes me mad :evil:

Good play on words though :)