The truth behind my C.V.
Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:20 pm
Im adaptable accountable ambitious and have acheived
Analytical articulate and if I`m to be believed
Im committed and competitive confident concise
Creative conscienscious caring sweet and nice
I`m decisive diplomatic dedicated and determined
Entrepreneurial enthusiastic efficient but not earning
Fair and flexible genuine good not great but learning
Influential inspirational influential and inventive
Not so very knowledeable but anally retentive;
Im logical and loyal motivationally precise
Original objective optimistic organised
Pioneering positive proffessional prioritised
Quietly resourceful responsible and recognised
Self reliant supportive scientific and specifique
Thoughtful tolerant unflappable unique
Versatile and visionary warm and xtra yise
Extraordinary cv this a total pack of liezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.