Can't see the wood for the trees!!

Beyond the 2014 referendum

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Bill McDicken
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Can't see the wood for the trees!!

Post by Bill McDicken »

Hi! I've been following the Seil Chat Independence debate and believe that some members are going into the thing in far too much depth. Because when it comes to the Vote, those who 'FANCY' the idea of independence will vote "YES". Those who don't will vote "NO" (and not be influenced by whether they will be better or worse off by a few quid at the end of the year). Very simple. My brother is a good example. Left Scotland at 19 (now 68) to join the military, He's educated, intelligent and a Squadron Leader. Ask him about the referendum and you get;- "WHAT!! INDEPENDENCE!, What do the bl@@dy Scots want with that! absolutely ridiculous, How could they cope!! Can't even spell!! Hummphh!!!" (I guess he's in the "NO" camp) Most people will decide along similar lines, either "YES" or "NO" and not delve into the detail.
However there is a difference between the two camps.
The "YES" crowd seem to be willing to take a small calculated risk, believing that if we didn't, we wouldn't do anything. We wouldn't have kids, start a business or ( God forbid!) get married. They believe quite logically that after a "YES" not much would change initially, we would still have the pound ( not the Groat), be in the EU ( but not the Euro!) and be members of NATO. The reason is that it's in NOBODY'S INTEREST TO DO OTHERWISE, regardless of the "NO" Camps tubthumping. The Civil Servants can sort out the details, that's why we pay them. Who can predict what will happen after the initial spell?, nobody, but at least the decisions will made by the Scots for the Scots (whatever their ethnic background) and not Westminster, Their attitude is so why not give it a go, eh?
By contrast the "NO" brigade have resorted to 'Project Fear' and 'What If' where a lot of seriously dubious scenarios are played out in the media to undermine confidence and generate the attitude of "OOOHH!! DEAR! SCARY STUFF! Yid better jist vote Nae, jist in case ye ken" So why don't the navel gazers on this forum ( Ye ken who ye are!!) lift their eyes off their keyboard (ye must spend hours on 'em) for a second and observe the big picture. You may just see the light. :stir
One last thought though. If the vote was "NO" and it could be. Could Westminster resist the temptation to exercise some Rough Justice, I'm not suggesting an English Host crossing the border led by a modern Edward I or Cumberland, it would be much more subtle like "The Investment? Oh that! It went elsewhere due to the uncertain outcome of the Referendum and it's too late now! tough, eh! sorry about the jobs but that's what happens ".............................. :yes
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Re: Can't see the wood for the trees!!

Post by NickB »

Welcome to the forum.

I am afraid the trees continue to thicken.

In the end I have faith in the people of this country to do the right thing. If we don't then what will we tell our grandchildren?
(site admin)

Re: Can't see the wood for the trees!!

Post by longshanks »

NickB wrote: In the end I have faith in the people of this country to do the right thing. If we don't then what will we tell our grandchildren?
What a pleasure it is to totally and utterly agree with you.
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