The Seafari Easdale RIB Rendezvous 2014 will take place 10/11 May 2014.
We are aware that some people are coming to the area the week prior but the majority of boats will arrive Friday 9th May.
The format is much the same as previous years
Launch Cuan or Easdale
Trailers in Back Car Park Ellenabeich (A&BC Roads Dept permission)
Berthing at Easdale Island Harbour (Eilean Eisdeal offer free berthing for the event)
Fri night tends to be Oyster Bar, Sat night gathering at Puffer Bar
Accommodation - many stay in cottages/B&B. Others camp at Highland Arts.
Sat destination - circumnavigation of Jura
The observant will note this is a week later than previous years.
Reason Kate (Paradise Kitchen) and John Fireman and Seafari skipper) get married on 3rd May.
Easdale RIB Rendezvous 2014
Moderator: Herby Dice
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