I received this by email yesterday. Can anyone help?
I see that you run an online newsletter for the Island of Seil. I am hoping that you may be able to assist me in tracing some of my family. My great great grandparents were Donald and Blann BELL who lived on Torsa. Blann’s parents were Donald McINNES and Mary LIVINGSTONE. Donald McINNES was tenant at Clachan Farm on Seil in the mid 19th century. Descendants Colin and Peggy McINNES were still farming at Clachan in the 1930’s. I am interested in tracing any descendants that may still be living in the district. Many thanks for any assistance you are able to give.
I see a lot of people have looked at this, but no-one has responded. If anyone has any information for this guy then they are welcome to PM me with it or email me and I will pass it on. Alternatively, I am happy to pass on his email address.
pearlmorison wrote:My name is Colina MacInnes daughter of Colin MacInness and Maggie Bell. We where in Clachan Farm from 1923 till 1955. Would like your e-mail address
Hi Pearl,
I've PM-ed you and also e-mailed you Ian Jolly's e-mail address.