A bridge too far . . .

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A bridge too far . . .

Post by NickB »

Does anyone know if the proposed pedestrian bridge to Easdale Island will be high-level, or will transit of Easdale Sound by yachts no longer be possible?

I can see why the islanders do not want the bridge, but I can also see why the council regard the level of subsidy - to what is probably perceived by most as a relatively well-off middle class community with rather a nice lifestyle - as unacceptable.

In view of the notorious inefficiency of council run services and the entrepreneurial nature of the islanders, is it not conceiveable that someone could run a profitable private ferry service and thereby preclude the need for this bridge?

Just a thought, now please feel free to shoot me down . . .

- Nick 8)
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Post by smallpaws »

I must have missed that bit of news! What do the Isanders want? Has to be their choice - hey?

Pat Blunsden
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Building bridges . . .

Post by NickB »

The islanders apparently don't want a bridge, but it would be a much cheaper option for the council.

It would appear that Luing wants a bridge but the Council doesn't want to build one, whereas Easdale doesn't want a bridge but the Council does want to build one.

- Nick
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Post by smallpaws »

Just caught up with this and with the Oban Times article. I'm just very glad we have a bridge!
It seems that decisions on how people live are made by people who don't have to put up with the inconvenience of ferries. They probably don't care anyway.

Pat Blunsden
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