jimcee wrote:I have no intention of delving further into this subject, unless invited to do so.
Good. Your comments seem to add little to the discussion, consisting as they do of a personal attack on me and some serious misinformation about the history of this forum. Consider yourself
specifically not invited (by me at least) to not delve further. Although at least when you want to insult me you have the brass neck to do it under your real name, so I have to give you credit for that Jim. The fact that you seem to be blissfully unaware of how out of order some of your comments are is just part of your charm I guess.
For anyone who imagines there is a grain of truth in Jim's comments about this forum - here are the facts:
Apart from a few warnings and temporary (max. 1 month) suspensions,
no-one was actually banned from Seil Chat during the entire 8 years that anonymous posting was the norm - with the sole exception of Pentland Pirate who, in a fit of madness one night, and after fair warning, posted no less than ten consecutive posts personally insulting me and using totally unacceptable language. He was then banned for life under any and all of his aliases and under his real name. I have no regrets about that decision.
I have covered in the OP the reason I introduced the 'real names' rule. As to it being 'disastrous' - well, not for me it isn't. Instead of a load of people slagging me off on a regular basis I only have to put up with Jim now. Many of you will no doubt have noticed that although the only reason Jim posts is to slag me off and personally insult me - which is of course against forum rules - I have refrained from banning him because that is what he seems to want. I am reluctant to give him the satisfaction.
Let me repeat what I have said several times before, while it would be nice to see more people contributing it really is not a matter of great concern to me how many people use this forum. I provide it for those who want to use it, for no personal gain or fame. Whether they choose to do so or not is entirely up to them. All I do promise is that those with the bottle to post under their real names can do so in a situation where debate will be conducted in a civil manner and all points of view - if reasonably expressed - can be given an airing.
As for politics - it is kept in a separate forum and any political posts in the main forum are moved there. Most of my posts have been factual , political news items which do not always make it into the mainstream media. Where opinions are expressed then if by and large those opinions are mine then you know the remedy. Anyone else who is prepared to abide by the forum T&C and post while being respectful of other peoples' views is as free to post there as me.
I believe that using our real names provides the assurance that we will treat each other gently and with respect. Though Jim seems to be the exception to this rule