A bizarre story in this week's Oban Times raises more questions than it answers.
A triumphal headline announcing new pontoons is followed by a story that is completely devoid of information (so nothing unusual for the Oban Times there). It seems the council have, without consulting Oban Bay Marine, decided to purchase six pontoons and install them 'by May' so that cruise ships arriving for their seasonal visits will not think that nothing is happening! Roddy McCuish commented :
Oban Bay Marine, the group responsible for the never-endingly delayed proposal for the transit marina, commentedIt is important we look as though we are making progress
So the people who have been engaged in planning pontoon facilities in Oban for the last six years were not even consulted and know nothing about this new proposal.OBM is still in discussion with the council vis-à-vis longer term proposals for a marina in Oban Bay. But until such time as it has details of the temporary proposal that can be shared with OBM, we can't make any comment'
(Full planning consent permission for the OBM proposal for a 50 berth town centre transit marina was granted in 2008. Since then a small fortune has been spent on 'consultancy' and nothing has been achieved. A familiar story when it comes to Argyll and Bute Council. Meanwhile the much-heralded CHORD money remains unspent, the waterfront remains unchanged. Contrast this with the incredible progress made and continuing to be made by Tobermory Harbour Association in the same period)