Spring Rowing

Please post news about any forthcoming events.

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Sue Fenton
Posts: 75
Joined: Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:04 pm

Spring Rowing

Post by Sue Fenton »

Selkie, Seil's community skiff, is back on station at Nick's pontoon, after her soujourn in John MacFarlane's boat shed for winter maintenance. Thank you, John - it was a perfect space and so easily reached from Balvicar Bay. Thank you too, to the crew who rowed her round today in a stiff westerly breeze (towing the launching trolley behind - don't ask!)

Seil Coastal Rowing Club is looking forward to seeing you on the water. No experience necessary - just come along and have a go. Each crew needs four rowers to put their names down (plus a cox). Come on your own or with friends - it's the community's skiff so please make use of it. After three shots, if you like it, we'll ask you to join the club at £10 a year for over-16s.

Current outings are at 12 noon every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday (weather permitting). We'll go back to evening outings later in the season.

Book your slot on www.seilskiff.org.uk or see our facebook page (Seil Coastal Rowing Club).

Any questions, please pm me.
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