That poll again - faith in the BBC restored

Beyond the 2014 referendum

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That poll again - faith in the BBC restored

Post by NickB »

The BBC devoted a substantial slot on Good Morning Scotland to the Wings Over Scotland poll this morning. There was a lengthy interview with Stuart Campbell, the owner of the site plus a detailed analysis of some of the questions in the poll by the well-known analyst Professor John Curtice, who made some perceptive and helpful comments that will almost certainly inform any future polls WOS might commission.

So - it took a while, but eventually the national broadcaster did give substantial airtime to the poll. My faith in the BBC is somewhat restored, though some may think that a Newsnight Scotland slot would have been more appropriate.

Whatever your side in the debate, as the first crowdfunded poll this was a significant event . . . power to the people. Now let's see the NO campaign follow suit and present their results with equal openness and transparency.

Click the image below to hear the interview.


(Please do feel free to comment on the content of the interview, on the concept of crowdfunding, on opinion polls in general, on flaws you saw in the poll that Prof. Curtiss missed, on the BBC and bias, on the appropriateness of the GMS slot for a piece of this nature - indeed, feel free to comment in any relevant and constructive way . . . but be in no doubt that any off-topic remarks and in particular any aggressive ad-hominem attacks on any of the participants in this radio interview - or on the unpaid volunteers who run this forum - will be deleted without ceremony)
(site admin)

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