Perhaps a solution would be to finally build a high level bridge from Ellenabeich to Easdale Island to link them with the outside world and employ the ex ferrymen on the Atlantic bridge with Stop/Go boards to control the traffic :?: :wink: Also there appears to be a rat like smell eminating from Sel...
Sorry Spidee - don't want to give you too much grief as you are obviously a man (apart from the spidery bits) who enjoys a stimulating, intellectual debate about all manner of important (and not so important) issues affecting this fair isle and its good folk....and we would all miss that if you got ...
What an excellent idea? Perhaps we can have a morris dancing pole too and prance around that shaking bells like a shower of t***s :!: Or get together one night and celebrate your national bard (the man in tights), quoting sonnets to each other whilst dining on warm, flat beer and plates of jellied e...
Hello my half man - half chelicerate pal - the term when conjoined with the word "mask" should give you a clue However - I do appreciate the trouble you went to researching the subject. Careful though - you wouldn't want to be accused of being an "internet blog geek" ...............
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! "Mobile phone is nowadays a vital element of emergency response, of delivery of individual and community safety plans and of sea and mountain rescue strategies." Get real Spidee! Do you really believe the MCA, RNLI, mariners, fisherman and yachties are going to give ...
By "down near Easdale" I take it you mean Seaview (Wonder what genius named that place) - Salster.
Yes it is a bit shabby - but proudly flown I'm informed.
I've changed my Avatar back just for you -which I hope will brighten up an otherwise miserable day.
Arp Arp Arp
I can only hope that the Flag committee doesn't get hijacked and railroaded in the same way as other island committees allegedly do :!: For example - would your 'new world order' allow island residents from the West to participate in flag flying and flag related decisions only affecting Clachan soun...
Is there any truth in the rumour that the Council have ageeed a PFI with Scottish Water.....and these holes, as you call them are infact the initial phase of a cost-effective, fixed link tunnel project to link Seil with both Easdale and Luing :?: A tiny wee bird tells me the man from the prawn shop ...
Aye...Aye Spidee.....Saw you were back when I picked up the Oban Times this week.
Tell me then........coz I'm intrigued to know.....How exactly will leaping about in a skin tight spandex gimp suit defeat the forces of darkness that are currently pervading this fair isle
Could it be that the Seil badgers have not been eradicated - but have actually been kidnapped by evil forces are now part of some covert gene manipulating mutant killer badger biological warfare experiment in Basra? :wink: Here's tha latest from our man in Iraq...............Karim Jamil "BASRA,...